message : Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all her grandmother, who did not know what to give the child next. Once she gave her a little cap made of red velvet. Because it suited her so well, and she wanted to wear it all the time, she came to be known as Little Red Riding Hood. One day her mother said to her: "Come Little Red Riding Hood. Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is sick and weak, and they will do her well. Mind your manners and give her my greetings. Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the path, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your sick grandmother. Haha, Now you know what is Vigenere and here is your flag catctfClassicalCipherisFunny!
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES import os from Cryptodome.Util.number import *
gift = 63318252562251464307452832207215838563457134165318957002450688189243132668670 c = b'\xbc\x87\xa21\x0bK\x05!\xeeHcx\xc5\x921\x01\xea\xe6\xa1\t\x1eN\x01\xe5@t\xa4Ih\xc9\x89\xa8\xa6+5\x01\xd5\r\xea\xc2\x99\xa5Fr\x8b\x04\xc3\x81'
from Crypto.Util.number import * from secret import flag
p = getPrime(256) a = getPrime(256) b = getPrime(256) E = EllipticCurve(GF(p),[a,b]) m = E.random_point() G = E.random_point() k = getPrime(16) K = k * G r = getPrime(256) c1 = m + r * K c2 = r * G c = bytes_to_long(flag) * int(m[0])
p = 87092522748098669829992285868403106182336017704139443077383531853456435622471 a = 101299657691551386965604314830539394563059305182047573016174562953680113433483 b = 103515188195423215634716325708078231771637293454864925173213911439839009583929 E = EllipticCurve(GF(p),[a,b]) c1 = E(32318985932447513653239654085604766474975548799844355660840553348774266479326 , 67713618814819066413787229141414188948309715152902332753488481625841113997553) c2 = E(10230302454001221645915592721533577303668058584124979714911091958630449119684 , 14068985325436327334711052593723601048735307838059332297359146101024917589355) c = 243352246360343414630771057155785496615231620377377147256856445931803440018017495259165864356164563380145135780231169307023180916540178875184090012260135703488882798862757944415926551
klist = [i for i inrange(2**15,2**16) if isPrime(i)] for k in klist: m = int((c1 - k*c2)[0]) if(c % m == 0): print(long_to_bytes(c//m)) break
clist = list("00011010011110001011101000100100111100110010011000100010000010000001011000010110110101111111110000111110011011100100001111010110100101110110111111101101000111101100011011110111110010100100000110100010111011001111110001101111000000110011110100101110011100001000000001011101101110010010010101100111111000111110101110001111010100000000111100100011011110000110100100100000001011001110100011100110111111000000110101001000011101111101001011011110100101111011101000101001111011000001101000001000101101000001110100101100101011010000001111000000101001110111110000010010111101111010110101101100001001010101110111101100001100010001110110100100100000101001110101111110110000011011000101001110011001110000111001100000010011001100011100110001000001111010000000001000010010110101010100011100110110000110111101010010000000110100011101001000111010111001101111011001111110100011010000010100100010000100100111000100010100000011011010100001011011010011011001110110011011101001111011000000010000011110111111110000011110010110001001101110101111111100110011001011101000011111011101100001010111000110100011110001001111010111011111111110111111010011101110101111110000011010001111010010011011111011100011101001000110111111000100100010001010100100101101000001001101110000001001111010111011111100010000101000111101110101001010110010001100001111011101010011111101100001001101001111110100011000111100111000000111110111110111101100111011011011111000111111000101001000000000010111110111000100101100010011100100111111100110000101101101110110001001101101010110110000100111100100100100100010011001010010110011101101100011100000100111110101110100100011111000010011010010110100000000000101011100100100111101010110011010101110010010011000110011111100011110100010001000111001011111011011111111100011010100011001110110111011101011011111001100110100010101010011101011111011011110111101100101010011111000110101100100001101000100001000111001010010000111001010001000110010110111100111110000111101111101001010010011011001000000100101010100000011") for i inrange(len(clist)): clist[i] = int(clist[i])
for i inrange(351): clist.insert(0,clist[100-1] ^ clist[200-1] ^ clist[300-1] ^ clist[349] ^ clist[350])
temp = clist[:351] for i inrange(len(temp)): temp[i] = str(temp[i]) print(long_to_bytes(int("".join(temp),2)))
import hashlib import os import random from secret import flag from Crypto.Util.number import *
defmyhash(m): blocks = [m[i*16:i*16+16] for i inrange(8)] temp = 0 for i inrange(8): temp += ((i%4)*bytes_to_long(blocks[i])) return hashlib.sha256(long_to_bytes(temp)).hexdigest()
deftask1(): m = os.urandom(128) print("m =",bytes_to_long(m)) fake_m = long_to_bytes(int(input("give me a valid value:"))) if(fake_m == m): print("Hacker!") exit() if(myhash(fake_m) == myhash(m)): return else: print("Try again!") exit()
deftask2(): table = "0123456789abcdef" prefix = "".join([random.choice(table) for i inrange(6)]) print(prefix) m = input("give me a valid message:") fake_prefix = str(hashlib.md5(m.encode()).hexdigest())[:6] if(fake_prefix == prefix): print("Congratulations!The flag is :",flag) else: print("Try again!")
task1() task2()
1 2 3 4 5 6
defmyhash(m): blocks = [m[i*16:i*16+16] for i inrange(8)] temp = 0 for i inrange(8): temp += ((i%4)*bytes_to_long(blocks[i])) return hashlib.sha256(long_to_bytes(temp)).hexdigest()
m = m = long_to_bytes(m) blocks = [m[i*16:i*16+16] for i inrange(8)] t = blocks[0] blocks[0] = blocks[4] blocks[4] = t b = b"" for i inrange(8): b += blocks[i] print(bytes_to_long(b))
forroundinrange(30): choice = input(MENU) if(choice == "1"): enckey = [random.getrandbits(3) for i inrange(30)] s = "" for i inrange(len(passwd)): s += str((int(passwd[i])+enckey[i]) % 10) print(s) elif(choice == "2"): passwd_1 = input("Give me the password :") if(passwd == passwd_1): print("You must be admin and here is your flag :") print(flag) else: print("Hacker!") break else: print("What are you doing?") break
1 2 3 4
enckey = [random.getrandbits(3) for i inrange(30)] s = "" for i inrange(len(passwd)): s += str((int(passwd[i])+enckey[i]) % 10)
from pwn import * from Crypto.Util.number import *
#context.log_level = 'debug'
for i inrange(10): try: r=remote("",36337) test = [{str(i):0for i inrange(10)} for j inrange(30)]
#getmsg for i inrange(29): r.recvuntil(b'2.Submit') r.sendline(b"1") r.recvline() s = r.recvline().strip().decode() for j inrange(len(s)): test[j][str(int(s[j]))] = 1
passwd = "" for i in test: for j inrange(10): if(i[str(j)] == 0): if(j != 0): passwd += str((j + 2) % 10) else: if(i[str(9)] == 0): passwd += "1" else: passwd += "2" break
list_block = list(block) for i inrange(len(list_block)): list_block[i] = int(list_block[i]) enc_block = [0for i inrange(16)] for i inrange(len(XOR_net)): for j in XOR_net[i]: enc_block[i] ^= list_block[j] for i inrange(len(enc_block)): enc_block[i] = str(enc_block[i])
enc_block = "".join(enc_block) return enc_block
flag = flag.encode() m = bytes_to_long(flag) mbin = str(bin(m)[2:])
if(len(mbin) % 16 != 0): pad = "0"*(16-(len(mbin) % 16)) mbin = pad + mbin
cipher = "" for i inrange(len(mbin) // 16): block = mbin[16*i:16*i+16] cipher += encrypt(block)
if(xor13 == 0): for i inrange(2): plain[1] = unsurelist0[i][0] plain[3] = unsurelist0[i][1]
temp = [""for i inrange(8)] for i inrange(8): temp[i] = str(plain[i]) m = "".join(temp) if(chr(int(m,2)) in dic): print(chr(int(m,2)),end = "") else: for i inrange(2): plain[1] = unsurelist1[i][0] plain[3] = unsurelist1[i][1]
temp = [""for i inrange(8)] for i inrange(8): temp[i] = str(plain[i]) m = "".join(temp) if(chr(int(m,2)) in dic): print(chr(int(m,2)),end = "")
for i inrange(8,16): temp[i-8] = str(plain[i]) m = "".join(temp) print(chr(int(m,2)),end = "")
from Crypto.Util.number import * from gmpy2 import gcd
e = [71,73,79,83,89] c = [3584993665370794823538971526684020381334229506708133596895968409536999204984079790376149008440551028410578855094728886834755619619372578110783580710219803462890112213584230949057016656060118630104, 4989759276535357997528849922251020799165891301912783617877490602437969017607809593934852516575460413478605329176238636946693383565094312064286926114923643920846311211742857004745169805814074701829, 6642053461023663832524339460701405831900998203213451191972438266657726625218871972692446250954239707699495372072147429575168741548017508191044712022951983914898737345726236637602619748509541858367, 4193052693033474280001068591734478498106299089126282985098601018650036258306395170093507468070466042626395892208399682844273571796555401881696541571776607704920006607253483889750046907957450103890, 3947754756036180841352847778991940293340330235762075197248449949161868864279363865098593351636279205570062610031251872012378674221346372945053094003675053291245574344814943777453973251717985508145] knlist = [] for i inrange(4): knlist.append(c[i]**e[i+1] - c[i+1]**e[i])
for i inrange(3): kn = gcd(knlist[i],knlist[i+1]) n = kn
''' p = 137460191971421903248734970282666456357052936236325309267826027261381607494787596364694185586900461678150506751336121050696416964505449095599803784023985063 q = 9860721418259980339851718535071432928232322161057043402218644294712077358246223606787338321930806481006806109681825057554152150498652811208803589672460349 n = 1355456659130728552703937440927051368575216792075884459266902567401047511994291080770227026844213980786588891821312665440235699130632691677530305463565393918323447959981861748590308588816836911994225199705766424946089035985434128364857177612203476579345863459242384467183079400230542115729453173080726835766987 c = 793623164043246070506550788596269184419105110303948024833215670415616888488541554681716159677641475357836697213816252101550186962854788046446099017273353937153186950442792341410723820865012183730208352789289190229327937550770892606142831977859348889398082454412733823877464089108978899912318518292672709432297 '''
import random from Crypto.Util.number import * from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt
p = 137460191971421903248734970282666456357052936236325309267826027261381607494787596364694185586900461678150506751336121050696416964505449095599803784023985063 q = 9860721418259980339851718535071432928232322161057043402218644294712077358246223606787338321930806481006806109681825057554152150498652811208803589672460349 n = 1355456659130728552703937440927051368575216792075884459266902567401047511994291080770227026844213980786588891821312665440235699130632691677530305463565393918323447959981861748590308588816836911994225199705766424946089035985434128364857177612203476579345863459242384467183079400230542115729453173080726835766987 c = 793623164043246070506550788596269184419105110303948024833215670415616888488541554681716159677641475357836697213816252101550186962854788046446099017273353937153186950442792341410723820865012183730208352789289190229327937550770892606142831977859348889398082454412733823877464089108978899912318518292672709432297 e = 7*7*7*7*7
defonemod(e, q): p = random.randint(1, q-1) while(pow(p, (q-1)//e, q) == 1): # (r,s)=1 p = random.randint(1, q) return p
defAMM_rth(o, r, q): # r|(q-1 assert((q-1) % r == 0) p = onemod(r, q)
t = 0 s = q-1 while(s % r == 0): s = s//r t += 1 k = 1 while((s*k+1) % r != 0): k += 1 alp = (s*k+1)//r
a = pow(p, r**(t-1)*s, q) b = pow(o, r*a-1, q) c = pow(p, s, q) h = 1
for i inrange(1, t-1): d = pow(int(b), r**(t-1-i), q) if d == 1: j = 0 else: j = (-math.log(d, a)) % r b = (b*(c**(r*j))) % q h = (h*c**j) % q c = (c*r) % q result = (pow(o, alp, q)*h) return result
defALL_Solution(m, q, rt, cq, e): mp = [] for pr in rt: r = (pr*m) % q # assert(pow(r, e, q) == cq) mp.append(r) return mp
defALL_ROOT2(r, q): # use function set() and .add() ensure that the generated elements are not repeated li = set() while(len(li) < r): p = pow(random.randint(1, q-1), (q-1)//r, q) li.add(p) return li
amq = [pow(c,inverse(e,q-1),q)] cp = c % p cq = c % q
modlist = [p,q] for i in amp: for j in amq: c = [int(i),int(j)] m = crt(modlist,c)[0] temp = long_to_bytes(m>>1) if(b"catctf"in temp): print(temp) #flag = b"catctf{fa755bce-071e-4f1d-8cfa-37766c226065}"
import socketserver from Crypto.Util.number import * from random import getrandbits from Crypto.Cipher import AES from sympy import nextprime import binascii from secret import flag
deftask(self): for i inrange(40): choice = self.recv(menu) if(choice == b"1"): temp = getrandbits(16*8) key = (temp<<128)+temp iv = getrandbits(16*8) m = getrandbits(32*8) self.send(b"gift =",False) self.send(str(key^iv).encode()) c = enc(long_to_bytes(m),long_to_bytes(key),long_to_bytes(iv)) self.send(b"c =",False) self.send(str(bytes_to_long(c)).encode()) self.send(b'\n',False) elif(choice == b"2"): plist = [nextprime(getrandbits(32)) for i inrange(16)] n = 1 for i inrange(16): n *= plist[i] m = bytes_to_long(flag) e = 65537 c = pow(m,e,n) self.send(b"n =",False) self.send(str(n).encode()) self.send(b"c =",False) self.send(str(c).encode()) exit() else: self.send(b"What are u doing?") exit()
from pwn import * from Crypto.Util.number import * from randcrack import RandCrack from random import getrandbits from Crypto.Cipher import AES from sympy import nextprime
for i inrange(39): r.sendline(b'1') temp = r.recvline() temp = r.recvline() gift = int(str(r.recvline().decode().strip()[6:])) key = (gift >> 128 << 128) + (gift >> 128) iv = key ^ gift c = int(str(r.recvline().decode().strip()[3:])) m = bytes_to_long(dec(long_to_bytes(c),long_to_bytes(key),long_to_bytes(iv)))
#提交伪随机数 for j inrange(128//32): t = key&0xffffffff rc.submit(t) key=key>>32 for j inrange(128//32): t = iv&0xffffffff rc.submit(t) iv = iv>>32 for j inrange(256//32): t = m&0xffffffff rc.submit(t) m = m>>32
#第40次,预测伪随机数从而得到plist,进而解密 r.sendline(b'2') temp = r.recvline() temp = r.recvline() n = int(str(r.recvline().decode().strip()[3:])) c = int(str(r.recvline().decode().strip()[3:])) e = 65537 plist = [nextprime(rc.predict_getrandbits(512)) for i inrange(3)] phi_n = 1 for i inrange(3): phi_n *= (plist[i] - 1) d = inverse(e,phi_n) m = pow(c,d,n) print(long_to_bytes(m))
from Crypto.Util.number import * from random import randint from hashlib import sha256 from secret import flag
defgetkey(): x = bytes_to_long(flag[7:-1]) q = getPrime(160) whileTrue: t = 2*getPrime(1024-160) * q if isPrime(t+1): p = t+1 break h = randint(1, p-2) g = pow(h, (p-1)//q, p) y = pow(g, x, p) return(x,(p,q,g,y))
pri_key,pub_key = getkey() p,q,g,y = pub_key
m1 = b"I don't know much about DSA..." m2 = b"But I can learn!!!" h1 = bytes_to_long(sha256(m1).digest()) h2 = bytes_to_long(sha256(m2).digest())
deftask1(): p = getPrime(512) q = getPrime(512) n = p*q e = getPrime(48) print("Task1:") c = pow(m1,e,n) print("n =",n) print("c =",c) temp = int(input("Now you have a chance to decrypt a cipher:")) if(temp % n == c): print("Hacker!") exit() else: phi = (p-1)*(q-1) d = inverse(e,phi) temp_dec = pow(temp,d,n) print("The message is:",temp_dec)
deftask2(): p = getPrime(512) q = getPrime(512) n = p*q e = 65537 print("Task2") c = pow(m2,e,n) print("n =",n) print("c =",c) while(1): temp = int(input("Now you can decrypt any cipher but something lost:")) phi = (p-1)*(q-1) d = inverse(e,phi) temp_dec = pow(temp,d,n) print("The message is:",temp_dec & 1)
#step 2 for b inrange(2**16): h2 = pow(b,n,n) p = GCD(n,hint2-h2) if(p == 1): continue q = n//p phi = (p-1)*(q-1) d = inverse(e,phi) m = int(pow(c,d,n)) flag = long_to_bytes(m) print(flag) #flag = b"catctf{35b4488a-596a-5ff0-dbdb-e4ec8673b55e}" #hint1 = b"try to use ilgnidoaixamief(?)"